Flash Friday

Empowering models, photographers, and videographers to unite and craft remarkable content seamlessly.

Gradfest @ Flash Fridays for the month of April.




It’s Time to Connect!

Flash Friday is the solution to connecting models, photographers, and videographers in a room where you can create content without having to worry about the organization or logistics. Creators just come to network and create. Anyone can participate in Flash Friday from professional models, couples, graduates, and anyone who wants to immerse in the photographic experience.


Photographers. Videographers.

WE are bringing a creative solution to the common problem of models and visual artists alike; which was venue, commodities, organization, and more. While also serving as an innovative opportunity to nightlife/ hospitality groups/brands cutting out the hassles of curation promotional content.

What to expect.

  • CCN will serve as the backbone & muscle to fortify the solution proposed; being the staff, venue , lights, and expertise of Jasmine Jones.

  • Unleash your creative potential in a harmonious space where ideas seamlessly flow. Let your artistic vision come alive without the burden of managing details. Elevate your content creation experience with Flash Friday.

  • 5PM — 8PM (CST)

    5510 Lawndale St.

“Ideas come to life in an instant.

Connect with our team.

  • Cartiei

  • IG: @cartiei.zay

  • dukezay@gmail.com

  • Bilal Gilbert

  • IG: @Imagery.ByB

  • bilalgilbert@imagerybyb.com